Arsenic Solutions
Arsenic is a grayish metalloid with atomic number 33 and an atomic weight of 75 amu. When dissolved in water, it is colorless, odor free, and can kill in small doses. Arsenic has been found in drinking water in several parts of the world including the US. The proposed arsenic standard of 10 ppb goes into effect in January 2006. As we try to find cost-effective solutions to this serious problem, I welcome any comments you might have on this subject.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Monday, April 25, 2005
Iron Based Adsorption Media G2
ADI’s MEDIA G2® is a natural mineral substrate which is produced in North America and consists of granular, calcined diatomite upon which ferric hydroxide is chemically bonded. Iron attracts the arsenic in water and binds it to the media by chemisorption. MEDIA G2® arsenic filtration systems work well in the pH range of 5.5 to 7.5, and unlike many other adsorbents, it is not affected by high concentrations of sulfate, chloride, iron or silica.
The media is one of most economical media available in the market which is sold at less than US $1.00 per pound. The media can be regenerated upto 5 times providing an adsorption capacity of upto 2.4 mg/g of arsenic. The recommended contact time is approximately 10 minutes and typically the treatment system operates in a downflow mode at about 2.5 -3 gpm/sq. ft. MEDIA G2® is NSF Certified and has been verified under EPA's Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) program. For further information visit water gas treatment.